Daily Archives: March 12, 2006

Flex com Flash Media Server!!!

Um artigo bem interessante sobre como usar o Flex 2 em conjunto com o Flash Media Server, é um exemplo simples mas da uma noção de como utilizar as classes NetConnection e NetStream no Flex 2 e sentir algumas diferenças no Action Script 3.0.

link do artigo:

Veja a aplicação em funcionamento

***UPDATE 14/03/2006******
Encontrei outro artigo sobre Flex e Flash Media Server escrito por Christophe Coenraets, muito bom por sinal!!!

Link do artigo:

Link para a aplicação

Para ver os exemplos é necessario ter o Flash Player 9 instalado

Para saber mais:
Programming Flash Communication Server

Adobe Labs

Flex with Flash Media Server!!!

A well interesting article on as to use Flex 2 with Flash Media Server, is a simple example but of the one notion of as to use the class NetConnection and NetStream in Flex 2 and to feel some differences in the Action Script 3.0.

link of the article: http://flash-communications.net/technotes/fms2/flex2FMS/index.html

See the application working
14/03/2006 *** UPDATE ******
I found another article on Flex and Flash Media Server written by Christophe Coenraets, very good for signal!
Link of the article: http://coenraets.com/viewarticle.jsp?articleId=98
Link for the application

For to see the examples is need to have the Flash Player 9

To know more: Programming Flash Communication Server
Adobe Labs http://labs.macromedia.com/